DeVILBISS Trans-Tech VRI PRO Gravity SPRAY GUN + CUP SprayGun VRIPRO-TV1-12/13 DeVILBISS Trans-Tech VRI PRO Gravity SPRAY GUN + CUP SprayGun VRIPRO-TV1-12/13

DeVILBISS Trans-Tech VRI PRO Gravity SPRAY GUN + CUP SprayGun VRIPRO-TV1-12/13



( VRIPRO -TV1-12) or 




The Mid Weight Contender...

Today’s professional automotive refinishers can now choose their preferred gun size and weight from the

 DeVilbiss i-system pro range, with the introduction of the VRi Pro, which combines mid-size gun ergonomic

s with the acclaimed high performance Trans-Tech atomisation.

The tough, drop forged and deep anodised gun body offers good grip, comfort and balance with superb

 atomisation and uniform lay down of all leading solvent and waterborne automotive refinish paints, while the

 “no-kick”, balanced air valve ensures that your trigger control is as smooth to use as the finish you’ll


The three aluminium air and fluid controls and slimmer reshaped ergonomic body all contribute to the

 reduced gun weight, noticeable when spraying larger areas.

The front end design is simplicity itself the air cap retaining threads on the gun body and a simple push in

 separator/seal behind the fluid tip to control fan and atomising air flows.

Technical Specification

  • Air Inlet Thread - 1/4” Universal
  • Weight (gun & cup) - 665 gms
  • Air Cap & Ring - Plated Brass
  • Fluid Tip - Stainless Steel
  • Needle - Stainless Steel
  • Cup capacity - 560 mls
  • Air Cap Quick Ref Compliance Technology Air Consumption (lit/Min) Spray Pattern Size @ 175 mm Target Distance Fluid Flow (cc/ml min)
    TV1 Trans-Tech 283 (10 cfm) @ 2.0 bar 255-285 mm 150 - 200


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